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concerning distilled water

The grain of rice adds organic minerals to the water for those concerned about the emptiness of distilled water.  

Toxins in distilled water only exist if:
The distilling process does not allow evaported toxins to escape or be filtered out.
Metal containers are used for storage or distilling.

For ALL water, toxins exist if:
Plastic containers are used long term for storage.
Pre use, container is not clean.  
Water is left out in the open air for prolonged periods.

Distilled water does NOT leach minerals.  There exists no studies or data (on the web or otherwise) that can support that claim.  The claim can be easily tested by measuring the amount and type of minerals sluffed off in urine.   

There are a few doctors who suggest that through observation they've noticed significant mineral deprivity in patients drinking distilled water.  However,  these doctors provide no supporting information.  How were the patients tested, how many were observed, what kind of distiller was being used, how was the water being consumed and stored, what kind of diet did patients have?  A diet consisting of meat or high protein, alcohol, dairy, fat, and starch will produce the same results (known as standard american diet).  

Acidity of distilled water often comes up in debate because it is known that an acidic diet, such as the one mentioned above, will indeed leach minerals.  If the water is bottled in glass soon after cooling, the Ph is near 7.  If the water is left out for several hours or days, the Ph can go as high as 5.7 due to CO2 uptake. 

ANY water exposed to air for six or more hours should be boiled for a few minutes, bringing the Ph back to near 7.

I suggest that you utilize medical journals and your local library.  Google is great for quick searches but writters are under no obligation to provide accurate information or support it.  If a writter is kind enough to include references, look them up (sometimes a long list of gobbly gook not relating to the subject is provided to make it seem like the writer knows their stuff).  Also, medical doctors are not always a good source of information.  In this case, a nutritionist or dietician would probably be a more reliable source.

For updates and info, contact scott at planttrees dot org.